Let's have a look at the patterns in Knitter's Magazine Issue 110, shall we?

I'm not all that enthusiastic about this pattern or this yarn, but both are serviceable enough. And perhaps useful as camoflauge if you want to disappear into the nearest tree trunk.

This is pretty but a little full around the hips for flattery.

At this point I'm feeling as though if one has seen one pretty little lace shawl, one has seen them all.

Eh, mesh. Be forewarned that I have an anti-mesh bias. This isn't terrible but it's not all that appealing either. You'll have to wear something under it and it will catch on everything.

Smart, graphic pattern little top. You may want to lengthen this and shape it through the waist. It looks like it might have a slightly too cropped and boxy fit to me.

Now this is a lace shawl that comes across as something rather different. The lace pattern and hem is quite striking.

Very simple, very wearable, very pretty lace top.

This item is probably intended to be a cross between a shawl and a sweater but instead comes across as an afghan with pretensions. That nubbly yarn choice isn't helping either — it's too afghan-like to use for an item that's already too afghan-like.

Here's another afghan-inspired cardigan, but it's a little more successful than the last one. There are actual sleeves. It's not ungracefully draped, and the yarn isn't unattractive. It's never a good sign when a review consists of qualified negatives, but... this isn't unwearable.

This yarn is just too dreary, but I do rather like the pattern. If you're well-endowed and or short-waisted, I would make the bottom lace section shorter in proportion to the rest of the garment to keep it from chopping up your figure, and if you've got a short neck I would also consider scooping the neck out a little more, but otherwise this is a reasonably flattering garment.

This lace pattern must be on the back, which makes me wish Knitter's Magazine had shown us the back so we'd know exactly what we're getting into if we make this pattern.

Another pretty little lace top.

Lately I've complained in a few other reviews, most notably the Knitscene Spring 2013 issue review, that knitting magazines were offering us a lot of wool hat, scarf and fingerless glove patterns for spring. This scarf actually looks like something one might wear in spring and summer. It's light and lacy and has the delicate, opalescent tints of a seashell.

I don't think these super long tops really flatter anyone. It never hurts a woman's appearance to have legs that appear to go on for miles, but who wants a torso that does? I'd chop this one down to the length that suits you best. If you routinely make clothes for yourself, you need to know what that length is. Get out the top that has always looked perfectly proportioned on you and measure it.

I like this skirt — I'm very impressed with the way the hem has been made to mimic a pleated ruffle — but I do have my suspicions of possible bulk around the waist.

This is another afghan masquerading as an item of clothing. And it really should have known better. Afghan, didn't your mother ever tell you that being the most striking, beautiful, mitred-edge afghan you can be is better than being any kind of poncho?

Here's another smartly graphic top. With the same model striking the same kind of artful pose that makes me wonder if the top isn't a touch too cropped and boxy to be really flattering. But that's easily fixed.

Beautiful lace vest, but it is more than a touch skimpy even on this model. Make sure that you make it big enough to look as though it fits the person you've made it for.

This design is so graphic it almost seems to weave before the eyes. Really striking look, but again make sure it's not too cropped or too boxy on you.

This one's a little heavy, but there are cool days and evenings even in summer where a heavy cotton pullover like this comes in handy. I like the lace sampler design. The sleeve length looks a little awkward, but of course you can make the sleeves any length you like.
Alas, this issue was something of a let down. It's not terrible by any means, but it's nothing like as good as the previous, skirt-themed issue. There's nothing in it that struck me as really wonderful or made me want to rush out and buy it. But there's always next time. Which one must hope will not be fingerless glove-themed publication.
I'm enjoying your knitting reviews, and thanks for pointing out that blue lace or not-lace top, it's strange isn't it that they didn't photograph the lace feature area.