In another piece of fashion runway weirdness, we have here a Domo sweater. Domo is the official mascot of Japan's NHK television station.
My favourite thing about Domo is that he got to be world famous via his appearance in this classic internet public service announcement.
I'm sure the Domo sweater is not actually meant to be worn in real life. This model doesn't look too thrilled about wearing it even on the runway, where all the outfits are expected to be at least somewhat fantastical. I see a use for it, however, as one of a great Halloween concept for a couple: one of you goes as Domo in the Domo sweater, while the other goes as the kitten.
Over 3000 feral cats broke in to one of Aus's bilby sanctuaries and killed all the bilbies recently so i might masturbate faster now!